Saturday, 8 December 2007

Sun flowers

Had to go to art club on monday so drew this sun flower out and painted it in oils finished it off at the tuesday club

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Tynemouth Longsands

The River mouth

S.T. Marys a differnt view

I was sick of seeing the same old views of st marys so i went along and got this view

Christmas Duck

Yet another Chritmas picture

Hello Duckie

I painted this Mallard Duck in Watercolours for two friends who now live in spain , Micky and Angie i hope through the wonders of the inter net they will be able to look at this.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Snowed In

Acrylics was the Medium i used for this painting.

Out In the cold

I thought this snow picture would be keeping with the Christmas theme i used Acrylic to paint it
Seeing as i have just got this Blog spot so near Christmas i thought it a good idea to post pictures with a Christmas theme.

Hollies snow man

My eldest daughter asked me to paint her a snow man so this was the outcome hence the title Hollies snow man
I painted this robin last year in watercolour to use as a christmas card for friends and family